How to Conduct Visual Research:
1 Collect
2 Visualize
3 Analyze
Brand Matrix
How to make a Brand Matrix
1 Get smart and start a list
2 Finding opposites
3 Connect the dots
Brand Books
How to make a Brand Book
1 Choose a format
2 Collect Imagery
3 Design and combine
4 Consider the pacing
5 Make it real
Site Research
How to Research a Site
1 Visit the site
2 Observe and photograph the site
3 Create a site plan
4 Trace photos of a site
5 Sketch concepts
Creative Brief
How to Refine a Creative Brief
1 Pose Questions
2 Conduct research
3 Narrow the brief
4 Define key messages
How Designers Think
How to Get in the Mood
Christoph Niemann
Stares at a a piece of table with no distractions
Stares at a a piece of table with no distractions
Abbott Miller
Gets ideas when he talks about a project to someone else
Bruce Willen
Bruce Willen
Collaboration and talking to someone about a project
Carin Goldberg
Carin Goldberg
Lots of sketching and having the TV on in the background
Mike Perry
Mike Perry
Vomit out work. It comes naturally and in abundant amounts.
Kimberly Elam
Kimberly Elam
Always have something to write with and on so when an idea comes she can write it down or draw little pictures. Having some sort of relief like exercise or a refreshing sleep.
Paula Scher
Paula Scher
When she can't think of an idea she distracts her self. Having a conversation, going to a museum, riding in a taxi. She also likes to go to movies.
Maria Kalman
Maria Kalman
Having a tight deadline, wandering, travelling, looking at things such as people, art, architecture.
Philippe Apeloig
Philippe Apeloig
Looking at new typefaces and shapes, doodling and drawing.